The Krupski Family
This year’s event will take place on August 11, 2019 at Valley View Golf Course in support of Connor Patrick Krupski and his family.
Connor was born prematurely at merely 28 weeks. With various complications with his mother Erin’s pregnancy, blood flow and nutrients were restricted to Connor leaving him significantly behind in growth, resulting in a diagnosis of intrauterine growth restriction. On an extended hospital admission for Erin at Crouse, complications suddenly became worse effecting the health of both Erin and the baby. As a result, an emergency C section was done St Patrick’s Day night. Connor Patrick Krupski was then born weighing a dangerously low 1 pound 14 ounces.
Due to his prematurity and size, he was subjected to various medical issues that he fought through during his first few days of life. In Crouse’s NICU, Connor was diagnosed with chronic lung disease and respiratory distress syndrome, leading to 23 days on ventilated life support. With the help of surfactant and long term systemic and inhaled steroids, Connor surprised everyone by continuing to improve.
At just about two months of age, he finally reached a weight of 3 pounds, allowing for a safe transfer from Crouse’s NICU to the Special Care Nursery at St. Luke’s in Utica, just miles from Erin and Kevin’s home and where Erin currently works.
Here, Connor will continue to work on feeding, growing, and breathing until he is finally discharged home, hopefully near his original due date of June 9th after spending his first 3 months of life in hospitals. After discharge, there will be numerous medical appointments for various issues due to his extreme prematurity. Doctors will be needed to monitor growth and development, including vision, a heart murmur, and hernias which will require surgery.